It is hot.
It is slightly less hot today but after a week of absorbing heat – that’s what it felt like, anyway – I am radiating so much warmth I could hire myself out as a radiator.
Thank goodness I can escape to somewhere colder in my head.
The cats were so miserable that I bought them a cool mat to lie on. Naturally, they have rejected it and so I’m sitting on it. It is very comfortable and keeps the backs of my legs cold.
Lockdown is easing but we’re still spending a lot of time at home. If you haven’t seen my Write Where You Are series, I’ve put all five episodes in one place. In them, I work my way around the house, enlisting the help of some author friends to find story ideas in every room.
Here are two fantastic pieces of work I’ve received from Harry, age 6, and Oliver, age 8, based on the garden episode with Lexi Rees. Well done, both of you. That was a hard challenge and you both did fantastically.
Take care everyone.