I had a lovely message this week from a young lady called Eleanor. Hello Eleanor! (I’m waving madly across the internet to you.) She wanted to know when the next Accidental Pirates book will be out and as a few people have asked me the same thing, I thought I’d answer the question here.
There is good news and bad news.
The good news is I WILL write another pirate book. I promise. I want to know what happens to Peter, Brine and Tom and whether Marfak West can ever been properly heroic.
The bad news is it won’t happen for a little while. There are two reasons for this. First, I’ve had some other ideas for stories which are so exciting, I have got to write them down straight away! You can read about my next book, Unwise Magic here and I’ll have news about another super-exciting standalone story soon.
The second reason is because of you: Eleanor and all other readers who want to know what happens next. You see, the third pirate book will finish the story, and right now the Onion is adventuring all over Eight Oceans. Those oceans are full of potential extra stories. While the big story remains unfinished, you can invent your own islands full of new adventures, new villains for Cassie and the crew to fight, new heroes. Have a look at the resources section on this website if you want some ideas to get you started.
I will be writing some extra short stories myself (I’ve promised my friend an evil fish-bird story and I think I have an idea for it!) Keep an eye on this website – you can subscribe to it, and you can also follow me on twitter and facebook – if you want to read them.
So, the Onion will continue to sail, and her adventures will be many. And one day I will bring those adventures to a close, but not just yet.
Eleanor, thank you for taking the time to write to me. When you’re an author the very best thing is hearing from readers and your message had me smiling for the whole day. I hope you have a very happy Christmas with lots of new books to read.