Merry Christmas!

2016 has been a strange year. So many awful things happening in the world, but some bright spots of loveliness too. The journey to publication has been exciting and stressful and wonderful and terrifying all at the same time. I am very grateful for the support of my husband and my friends, my editors and my agent, and, of course, Waterstones. Being picked as their July book of the month was a tremendous experience and I had great fun visiting stores to sign books and tell pirate stories. I’ve been very lucky to make some wonderful new writing friends through the year, too. Most of all, though, I’d like to thank everyone who picked up this book by an unknown author and read it.

Thank you!!

To round off the year, here is Dramocles the Dragon proudly posing with one of my newly-arrived review copies of book 2. I will run a giveaway or two in the new year. Until then, happy holidays and happy reading.