Write Where You Are Episode 5

We’ve come to the last episode of Write Where You Are. I’ve had a lot of fun creating this series and I hope you’ve had fun watching. Today, we’re stepping outdoors into the garden where I am joined by the fantastic Lexi Rees, author of the Relic Hunters series.

Here is the challenge sheet for episode 5. As always, if you want to share your stories or pictures, you can email them to me and I’ll display them on my website. Contact me.

Write Where You Are Challenge Sheet 5

The whole series will stay up on my website so you can watch the videos and download the challenge sheets whenever you want. Who knows, maybe I’ll do a second series some time. Until then, take care and happy writing!

A big thank you to all the authors who took part this week – Sibeal Pounder, PG Bell, Sarah Todd Taylor and Lexi Rees. Thank you to Jackie Evans at Jacs Little Welsh Studio for creating the artwork for the series. And thank you Literature Wales for supporting this series.



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